Kyle Hotchkiss
Kyle Hotchkiss


University of California, Berkeley; College of Engineering.
Bachelor of Science candidate in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science.
Class of 2017.

Personal Projects

UC Berkeley Snap! Development Team Technical Lead (August 2014 - Current)
Responsibilities include managing ongoing projects, assigning projects to developers, as well as consulting the other developers on all possible implementations of their task.

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UC Berkeley Snap! Development Team Developer (January 2014 - Current)
Projects include implementing search functionality within Snap!, allowing users to easily search for blocks, as well as autosave capabilities, lowering the frustration of users losing their work.

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Web Development (2012 - Current)
Projects mainly include building a new interactive website as part of the Snap! Development Team, as well as building this website for personal use.

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Tools experienced with include, but are not limited to the programming languages C, Java, Javascript, and Python, the frameworks Rail, Material Lite, and Angular JS, and the graphical programs Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, and Indesign.


Schools Attended

Antelope High Scool. Class of 2013.

Graduated with the honor of Saludatorian.


University of California, Berkeley. Class of 2017.

Candidate for Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science.


Relevant College Coursework

Course Code Course Title Programming Language Semester Taken
CS 61A The Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs Python Fall 2013
CS 61B Data Structures Java Spring 2014
CS 61C Machine Structures C Fall 2014
CS 70 Discrete Mathematics and Probability Theory Python Fall 2014
CS 195 Social Implications of Computer Technology N/A Fall 2014
CS 188 Introduction to Artificial Intelligence Python Spring 2015
CS 170 Efficient Algorithms and Intractable Problems Python/Latex Spring 2015
CS 169 Software Engineering Ruby Spring 2015
CS 162 Operating Systems and System Programming C Fall 2015
Info 257 Database Management TBD Fall 2015

Relevant High School Coursework

Course Title Principles Learned Semester Taken
Introduction to Engineering AutoCad and Engineering Practices Fall 2009
Principles of Engineering Mechanical Engineering, Robotics, and Programming Fall 2010
Biotechnical Engineering Engineering Principles Applied to Biological Beings Fall 2011
Engineering Design and Development Full Development Process of Developing a Product Spring 2013



Developed by Jens Mönig at MioSoft Corporation (now at SAP), with design input and documentation by Brian Harvey at Berkeley, Snap! is a graphical browser based programming language used to taught CS 10: The Beauty and Joy of Computing at UC Berkeley, as well as in AP CS courses accross the country. Snap! is open source, and has a student organized development team at UC Berkeley.

UC Berkeley Snap! Development Team Co-Leader/Technical Lead

Beginning in August 2014, one semester after joining the dev team, I took the responsibilities of co-leader for the devteam along with one other member. During this time, we have done the organized and ran the folowing projects:

  • Organized and taught a student lead course at the university, teaching the basics of JavaScript, Git, GitHub, and working on a large code base, in order to prepare students who were interested in joiing the development team.

  • Planned, designed, and worked on a new backend for Snap! based in Ruby, allowing for shared ownership of projects, as well as other new features.

  • Planned and designed a new frontend interface, allowing for a Snap! user community and project discovery.
  • assignment_ind

    UC Berkeley Snap! Developer

    After joining the Snap! Development team in January 2014, I have completed the following projects and goals:

  • Learned Git, GitHub, JavaScript, and assorted browser development tools.

  • Implemented a search algorithm and designed an interface allowing for users to easily find the assorted functions they are looking for within Snap!

  • Implemented automatic saving of projects at regulated intervals to help prevent user frustration with losing work while working locally, or in the cloud.
  • wifi

    Web Development

    I have learned web development on my own throughout the last several years. Websites that I have worked on include the following:

  • The course website for the Snap! Developers Intro Course

  • An online portal for the Bernal Heights Neighborhood Center, allowing for them to keep track of volunteers, events, and space rentals as they need. (Not yet launched)

  • Brand new Snap! website, including a newly created user community, allowing students and teacher to connect with other users around the globe and spark creativity. (Not yet launched)

  • And of course, My own personal website that you are currently viewing.
  • wallpaper


    After taking a Photoshop class in high school and some self study, I have done some freelance work, as well as some personal work.
    Snap! Dev Team Flyer

    Cal Auto Television Graphic
    Cal Auto Television Graphic
    Cal Auto Television Graphic


    Programming Languages:


    Design Languages:


    Backend Frameworks:

    Ruby on Rails

    Frontend Frameworks:

    Material Lite



    Eclipse IDE
    Adobe Illustrator/Photoshop

    Frequently Asked Questions

    What are your career goals?

    My goals as far as my carerr goes are to be able to provide for myself and my family, and be able to enjoy the work I do. Bonuses would be working on a new groundbreaking technology, or design an application that makes everyone's life easier.

    What is your dream job?

    My dream job would to be a lead Android developer at Google, however, any career where I am doing something related to my study, and more importantly something that I truly enjoy would be a great job for me.

    What is your favorite programming language?

    My favorite programming language is usually the one I am working the most in currently. Everytime I have learned a new language, I have thought it was the best language ever, only to later go back to some other language and think that it was the best. Right now, I would have to say that Ruby and Python are great languages to code in, and JavaScript is really great if you like having fun with errors when you are programming.

    What is your prefered text editor?

    Again, this usually changes when ever I use a different editor, however I am currently using Atom by GitHub, and I really enjoy the customizability that it allows.

    What is your work station like?

    Curently, I am working on a mid 2014 Retina Mac Book Pro. I also have an Asus 27" monitor that I connect to, Pok3r mechanical keyboard with Cherry MX Blue switches for portability, Das 4 Ultimate mechanical keyboard with Charry MX Brown switches for home, a Logitech MX Master bluetooth mouse, as well as Audiotechnica ATH-M50x headphones for listening to music while I work.

    When did you first start programming?

    My first exprience with programming was in 10th grade, where I had to program a robot to sort marbles as part of my engineering class. The program we used was very basic, but taught me enough about programming for me to know I was interested enough in it to major in EECS.

    How did you get into graphic/web design?

    I first got into graphic design in 11th grade, when I took a class on how to use Adobe Photoshop. I thought it was amazing what could be created, and it lead me to finding other ways to create cool things, like Illustrator, and web design.

    What are some of your hobbies?

    I enjoy playing guitar, following the latest news in the world of Android, as well as hanging out with my friends and discussing whatever comes to our minds.

    What is your favorite movie?

    I have many movies that I enjoy. I am a fan of most of Christopher Nolan's films, as well as the films of Quentin Tarantino. I also like comic book movies and academy award nominated films.

    What is your favorite genre of music?

    While my tastes have evolved, I always go back to classic/hard rock. My favorite band is Metallica, and I enjoy similar artists.